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Table 1 Anthropometric characteristics of participants according to their age group (9–10 years old; 14–15 years old; and 20–22 years old) and their sex

From: Influence of muscle volume on jumping performance in healthy male and female youth and young adults


Body mass (kg)

Body fat percentage (%)

Height (cm)

Sitting height (cm)

LLL: Lower limb length (cm)

MV:Muscle volume (L)

9–10 years


34.63 ± 7.26

19.11 ± 2.89

139.67 ± 8.07

72.30 ± 4.47

67.37 ± 5.06

3.71 ± 0.53


33.96 ± 7.82

16.99 ± 5.67

140.93 ± 6.98

72.63 ± 4.60

68.30 ± 5.53

3.26 ± 0.40

Dif %

− 1.97

− 12.48

 + 0.89

 + 0.45

 + 1.46

− 13.80*

14–15 years


55.66 ± 12.27

11.48 ± 5.54

169.43 ± 7.59

81.70 ± 4.09

87.77 ± 4.92

6.05 ± 0.84


54.27 ± 8.19

22.67 ± 5.56

161.80 ± 6.27

81.80 ± 4.21

79.10 ± 6.81

4.57 ± 0.19

Dif %

− 2.56

 + 49.36***

− 4.71***

 + 0.12

− 10.96***

− 32.38***

20–22 years (young adults)


69.13 ± 11.95

18.59 ± 7.53

175.10 ± 5.28

86 ± 5.16

89.27 ± 6.08

8.38 ± 0.51


59.44 ± 10.37

26.81 ± 4.96

163.20 ± 7.26

77.63 ± 7.18

85.73 ± 6.62

6.36 ± 0.33

Dif %

− 16.30***

 + 30.66***




− 31.76***

  1. Data are presented as the means ± SD. Dif %: differences between male and female participants of the same age group expressed in female participant value percentage. LLL: lower limb length (in cm); MV: lower limb muscle volume in litre (L); * (P < 0. 05) and *** (P < 0.001): significant differences between both sexes for each age group