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Table 2 Demographics of patients admitted to hospital (n = 757)

From: Horse-riding hazards: an observational cohort study mapping equestrian related injuries at a Scandinavian trauma centre



Age, median [Q1, Q3] (min, max)

24 [13, 46] (2, 80)


Female, n (%)

700 (92.5)

Male, n (%)

57 (7.5)

GCS, median [Q1, Q3] (min, max)

15 [15] (3, 15)

CCI, median [Q1, Q3] (min, max)

0 [0, 1] (0, 9)

Trauma team activation

Walking in by themselves, n (%)

259 (34.2)

Trauma level 1, n (%)

70 (9.2)

Trauma level 2, n (%)

360 (47.6)

Transferred from another hospital, n (%)

68 (9)

Mechanism of injury

Fall, n (%)

638 (84.3)

Kicked, n (%)

12 (1.6)

Crushed, n (%)

14 (1.8)

Multiple, n (%)

93 (12.3)

Number of sustained injuries

0, n (%)

37 (4.9)

1, n (%)

529 (69.9)

2, n (%)

130 (17.2)

3, n (%)

48 (6.3)

4, n (%)

8 (1.1)

5, n (%)

2 (0.3)

6, n (%)

2 (0.3)

7, n (%)

1 (0.1)

  1. GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, CCI Charlson Comorbidity Index, Q1 lower quartile, Q3 upper quartile