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Table 1 The original rating criteria of the SLS

From: Factors associated with the Single Leg Squat test in female soccer players: a cross-sectional study

Observed segment

Correct movement

(pass = 0 point)

Movement deviationa

(fail = 1 point)


The relationship of the sagittal plane and metatarsale 2.

Os metatarsale 2 is in relation to the sagittal plane placed in a lateral angle of ≤ 10°.

The metatarsale 2 is in relation to the sagittal plane placed in a lateral angle that clearly exceeds 10°.


Position of the knee in relation to the foot.

Medial/lateral perturbation of the knee.

The centre of the knee is well aligned over the centre of the foot.

The movement of the knee is vertical and smooth without any medial/lateral shake.

The centre of the knee is clearly over or medial to digitorum 1.

The movement is jerky and repeated medial/lateral shake of the knee is seen.


Lateral pelvis shift and/or pelvis rotation.

No lateral pelvis shift and/or pelvis rotation are seen.

The pelvis is clearly shifted lateral and/or rotated in any direction.


Centre of mass: trunk lean, perturbation and balance.

The trunk is well aligned over the pelvis, hip, knee and foot.

The trunk clearly leans in either direction, there is obvious trunk sway, loss of balance or movement of the arms.

  1. aA movement deviation for a segment (1 point) can only be registered one time during the three squats, i.e., a total score of 0–4 points is possible
  2. bThe position of the foot should be observed before the test is executed. If the test person cannot place the foot in the correct position, they are allowed to put the feet where they feel comfortable.
  3. The rater is only allowed to correct the tested person if they:
  4. 1. Flex the upper body as much as the hip, pelvis and groin cannot be observed.
  5. 2. If the heel is lifted from the ground and/or if the foot is moved from its starting position.
  6. 3. If the test person does not understand the instructions and performs a pistol squat instead of the SLS